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We haven't been very good about keeping our pictures linked, so here's a sloppy attempt at an update:

October 2008: More garden, 5 year anniversary in Chicago
Summer 2008: the garden, Vegas, Nova Scotia, Chicago
Minneapolis: Adventures on my first research trip
2008 cruise with the Liebermans: best (and only) family vacation we've ever had!
Random Lieberman family pictures, including the Goodyear Blimp!
October 2007: sunset view from Jeff's new lab, Halloween, leaves changing, a long walk
Potato Gun Picnic
Sean's bachelor party
Winter changing to spring, 2007
August 2006: Gwen's "G"-themed costume birthday party, Arrested Development marathon); same pictures, sans AD marathon + Devin
Bogalusa, LA: We didn't take many pictures because we were busy building houses